Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Human Body

Looking through an old portfolio filled with sketches from life drawing sessions from the past 3 or so years.... sigh. I am looking for a good group to join here in Victoria to get back into it - I love drawing the human figure.

"There is nothing in all the world more beautiful or significant of the laws of the universe than the nude human body."

(Robert Henri)

I am at a crossroads with my art, trying to figure out how to incorporate my love of interpreting the human figure in my works and my fairly recent leanings toward abstract art - my instincts want me to blend the two - but I am not sure how to go about it.... how to find a place where my skill level does the figure work justice and my love of abstract form and colour finds its place...

"When we respect the nude, we will no longer have any shame about it." (Robert Henri)
I have used this sketch for a painting I have since sold... It feels very peaceful...

This model, is a natural - she started modeling quite recently and I was amazed at her ability to remain so still. Her graceful lines and gentleness of spirit are an inspiration for me.

This model was lovely - I would have liked to draw her more - my women's drawing group up-island had a wonderful variety of models, some regulars and the occasional surprise.

A first-time model, I was pretty happy with this session because I usually struggle more with male figures.

I did this one in Art School - I quite liked the model - she was spunky and creative.

There has never been a painting that was more beautiful than nature. The model does not unfold herself to you, you must rise to her. She should be the inspiration for your painting. No man has ever over-appreciated a human being. (Robert Henri)

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