Monday, September 21, 2009

Zooming into a Moment

As i'm getting busy in the studio again - what seems to be happening is portraits.

Not portrait, portraits; but images of women, caught in a moment. A moment of recognition, self-realization, or simply an emotion that is revealed for but a brief moment. A fellow painter who saw these, said they were like inside-out portraits. I like the sound of that. Inside-out.

I feel like i'm being led somewhere interesting, but I don't know where that is. As an artist, that's the best feeling in the world.

These are some of the works in progress:

the first - familiar territory

the second: playing with modeling
and flat colours

the third: i'm baffled
but i like it

images: property of kyra crouzat


BaldyLocks said...

I really love where these portraits are going.

Kyra said...

thanks! it's a bit of a tangent from doing figurative work... different challenges.

amy rubin flett said...

these are absolutely wonderful!

Kyra said...

thank you amy, that's very kind of you!