Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to the Basics

Yes, it's time for an overhaul. The artist in me hasn't disappeared. It's just a little quiet.

I have given up my lovely studio, it seemed to be the right decision for the time being, but it has left a hole behind. I'm shrinking my practice to the sailboat, as I am a liveaboard. I have a desire to work smaller. To go back to the basics. To sketch. Draw.

This feels like a time of transition that has been a long time coming. So in this introspective time, I'm also taking the opportunity to explore other artists: their work, their process...

Here is an artist I am very fond of... she inspires me and her work is so very rich. Her name is Jylian Gustlin. Go here to see to see more of her creations. I particularly love her sketches,  see them here.

Icarus 11 by Jylian Gustlin

Her images are raw and powerful.
I am in love with the textures and colours.
The figures.
All of it.